How to Get Free Testnet Evelyn tokens

3 min readSep 23, 2022

Hello and welcome to Evelyn,

To receive our test Evelyn tokens, please follow our steps below:

Step 1: Set up Metamask for Fantom Testnet

Select network: Custom RPC

  1. Network Name: Fantom testnet
  2. New RPC Url:
  3. ChainID: 0xfa2
  4. Symbol: FTM

Step 2: Input your Metamask Wallet to Fantom Testnet Faucet

Access the Fantom testnet faucet at to request some testnet FTM for gas fees.

Once submitted, you will receive 5 Testnet FTMs.

Step 3: Input your Metamask Wallet to Evelyn Testnet Faucet

Access the Evelyn testnet faucet at to request some testnet ELNs.

Once submitted, you will receive 5 Testnet tokens of your choice (ELN, BTC or USDC).

Step 4: Import Testnet token contracts to Metamask in Fantom Testnet

ELN Token contract: 0xc3a5A22c1611536fCa374376e4cB89Aee3EFeeF8

Symbol: ELN

Decimal: 18

BTC Token contract: 0x7DE832a36dfF2F75806d7b5C43AD95eD56a6F914

Symbol: BTC

Decimal: 18

USDC Token contract: 0xde27609e2b16C425150354CA26A03B4a83580592

Symbol: USDC

Decimal: 6

Step 5: Check your Metamask Assets Tab in Fantom Testnet

For example, if you choose ELNs, you should see the 5 Testnet ELNs you will receive.

Step 6: Go to Evelyn page to use your Testnet tokens

Once your Metamask wallet is connected, your Testnet tokens can then be used for Evelyn features.

