Sharkie Trading Tournament Results

2 min readJun 8, 2023

We are thrilled to present the results of the highly anticipated Sharkie Trading Tournament held exclusively on the Evelyn Exchange, a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange known for its advanced features and robust trading infrastructure. This tournament brought together a diverse range of traders, from seasoned professionals to enthusiastic beginners, who showcased their trading skills and strategies in the world of decentralized finance.

The Sharkie Trading Tournament on DEX Evelyn Exchange featured a series of challenges designed to test participants’ trading acumen, risk management abilities, and adaptability in a decentralized trading environment. Contestants had the opportunity to trade a variety of cryptocurrencies and explore different decentralized trading strategies while navigating the dynamic landscape of the cryptocurrency market.

After an intense competition filled with thrilling trading battles, we are pleased to announce the winners of the Sharkie Trading Tournament on Evelyn Exchange:

  • Total Transactions: 2100 transaction
  • Total USDC claimed from Faucet: 2,501,000
  • Total Rewards: 3,900 FTM and 10,000 ELN
  • Highest ROI: 38.96%
  • Futures Top Traders By ROI

🏆 Best Trader: 0x38E703588BA2d6B97f389d07C920149E915b6619

🏅 Runner Up #1: 0x257a7c1CDf2B435A10d04e9AE2cB59006BF86B9d

🏅 Runner Up #2: 0xBc3aff9c630034e9713F619611d38e31BBF2430D

🏅 Runner Up #3: 0x9623EcC872d6D2A09bc81F26Bba9647C5020515e

Loyalty users

🏅 Loyalty #1: 0xdc042c239b79d0c9c6f93989d29e26342130fc55

🏅 Loyalty #2: 0x16974bc8515daf276b56e4a7f57929d9f0f65ca8

As mentioned before,we have taken a snapshot of the #Evelyn the Loyalty prize. We will airdrop $ELN rewards when we determine $ELN price & its swap ratio based on the points you’ve earned.

More information:

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